When outlining the design of your home, there are many transformations you can use to increase the style and sustainability factor.
Incandescent lights with compact fluorescents (CFL) use three-quarters less electricity. The new CFL lighting is less harsh and provide an excellent quality when lighting your rooms and valued style. As an added bonus they generate less heat than traditional counterparts. There are a number of home accents designed or manufactured with the planet in mind that are savvy and stylish.
Also when choosing decorating items, one can find natural fiber rugs, beeswax or soy wax candles to add beauty in an eco-friendly way. Or for a unique, elegant and green decorating tip, mosaic bamboo tiles can warm up a wall or add interest to a kitchen or bathroom floor.
Simple, yet stylish, green updates, can help you incorporate an eco-friendly and beautifully fashionable home. Continue looking for more practices and products to continue your home’s sustainable transformation to make a world of difference to our environment.