When deciding on bedroom themes, it can be a fun idea to borrow ideas from different regions or eras other than the traditional. Below are a few ideas where you can convert your bedroom theme into a gateway to another land.
Egyptian – Gold is a popular color for the Egyptian motif given that is was utilized for the ancient pyramid interiors as well. For this theme, you can also incorporate Egyptian writings (hieroglyphs) and images prevalent in tombs and pyramids.
Greek and Roman – Greek and Roman designs speak of elaborate artwork and rich texture. Marble-esque columns are used along with intricate designs around the edging. If you have a big space then this idea is a good one to consider.
Gothic – Just in time for the spooky holidays; choose this theme if you like the color black, gargoyles, and an eccentric looking bedroom. If you are looking for ideas for bedroom interior design that makes an impact, then this is certainly one of them.
Oriental and Modern – Japanese modern design is a great way to add simplicity and harmony to your bedroom. However, you may also want to consider other oriental influences from other Asian countries. Additionally, modern design can be reflected from the use of industrial materials and the use of a minimalist concept.